Status: Completed

Awards: Unpleasant Design International Award

Selected for Spanish Architectural and Urbanism Biennale BEAU XII

Publications: El País_ Newspaper

Unpleasant Design

The amsterdam Agenda. 12 good ideas for the future of cities

Social integration urban furniture for immigrants. A subversive design to improve the working condition of the people working at the traffic lights.

SI8DO is a social-integration urban furniture, a subversive urban-intervention tool designed to improve the working conditions of those people that work at the traffic lights selling tissues. After months of fieldwork, more than a hundred immigrants were located at Seville’s crossroads, most of them spend the whole day standing.

Attached as a parasite to traffic lights, a simple, folded, perforated metal sheet creates the sit and the storage shelf. SI8DO not only highlights an unfair urban situation, but also proposes a solution. The first prototype is now under construction and will be launched soon. Some tissues companies are interested in supporting the idea.